My Story

My Story

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Why I Do What I Do—From Your Yoni Steam Practitioner, Angie

My story is one that I'm sure a lot of women relate to in this day and age, as the more women I speak too, the more I find similarities in my story. 

From the moment I reached puberty, I hated the changes in my body, as well as my body itself! I remember being SO jealous of my brother for simply having a male body that I would cry (and binge on mint choc-chip ice cream) as he would never have the pain that I was feeling. Yes, I was also that teenager that had days off school because of the immense pain and sickness that would overcome me each month, with painkillers only barely scratching the surface. 

Of course, then there was that time in my life where I started taking 'the pill' (I know you can see where this is going). Lucky me—I had a rare reaction to taking it called 'erythema nodosum'. This condition hospitalised me and put me in a wheelchair for two days! My body would then form large, red nodules all over both of my shins, with extreme pain that made it difficult to walk. Doctors, students and medical teams treated me like a guinea pig (poking, prodding, shrouding me with questions from curiosity) because I was the first case that most of them had seen with this reaction to birth control. Even a feather lightly tracing over my legs would have sent me into screaming fits of agony. It was then I was told that my body naturally overdoses from hormones (great...!) and I was told to NEVER try any other form of hormonal birth control or it may cause my legs to get even worse than the condition they were in at the time.

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Finding My Way

As a growing adult, let's be real—this is something you'd never want to hear, especially after just getting into your first real relationship with your boyfriend.

I thought my life meant for me to never be physically intimate with anyone so long as I wasn't ready for kids, and that there was something wrong with me. The only solution they gave me was to get a copper IUD, which just had too many side effects after going through all that intense pain. Only a couple of years later, I formed a super high-intensity form of endometriosis which caused nothing but more pain, misery and days off sick. I was on a waiting list for 14 months to have the surgery to have this burnt out of me. This helped me tremendously and I'm so grateful for the traditional health care system to have been able to provide some type of solution to bring my body back to its normal feeling again. However, endometriosis can recur in women that are prone to it... Yup, it meant I would soon after have this horrible feeling return to my body and, you guessed it, the endometriosis came back.

Fast-forward six months from then—I had been told that I had PCOS, and even once had a cyst burst inside me. This was a pain I'll never forget, as I would scream and cry in the ER, where they couldn't give me any relief and only fed me general pain meds. Meanwhile, there I was in the foetal position on the floor feeling like I was genuinely dying from this intense and excruciating pain.

Even when I kept on top of my diet and was eating clean and exercising regularly, I still had the worst PMS symptoms imaginable, paired with an ectopic pregnancy, a miscarriage, irregular periods and so much more. A few years back, I started having fainting episodes without any sign or warning, that I honestly thought my life was doomed because of the body I was given (are you seeing a theme here?). I remember the doctor came out saying 'We've done all the tests and the MRI, it's all come back clear, you're free to go.' I remember being so scared and tired of these ongoing issues, that I began desperately yelling at him for an answer. What if I fainted while I was alone in the kitchen on the tiles or, god forbid, while I was doing something as simple as driving to work? What then?

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Surely, There Was Something Else…

It wasn't until my mother took me to a hormone specialist for me to start to truly uncover some answers, including the fact that most of my hormones were all out of whack. I started re-evaluating my diet again, took the medication that was given to me and began to incorporate more alternative methods of medicine to start to finally feel a little better. 

Had I known what I know today, this story would be very different. I probably would've known to give the alternatives a try from a holistic perspective first. I would've struggled a lot less had I worked on healing within, instead of just dosing my body with meds and signing up for surgeries to burn tissues out. Don't get me wrong—there's definitely some amazing doctors, nurses and specialists out there who do so many amazing things for people and definitely have their place. I just happened to be the rarity that this never worked for and had to really take ownership of my own life, health and happiness.

Since discovering yoni steaming, I can safely say my relationship with my body has changed. I've learned that fertility and our moon cycles are healthy and important indicators for our vitality as women.

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Sharing My Journey with You

I've come to realise I was holding this tension created by self-hate from within my reproductive system—my inner beliefs were the cause of these issues. I've learnt to let go and not try to 'suck in' my tummy to look a certain way and truly learnt to breathe deeply (using BIG BELLY breaths), embrace the body I was given and reclaim my divine feminine power, which was a really big shift for me on an emotional and spiritual level.

I've physically seen more regular periods, a 'clearing out' of clots and old blood residue and a decrease in my pains and symptoms caused by PMS, PCOS and endometriosis. I intuitively gave myself a vagina detox and it completely helped me get to a better health, open up spiritual insight and provide an emotional release for me. This has been a lifetime journey and is now something I'm truly passionate about, which is why I became a practitioner. 

My journey was never easy, but it has served a deeper purpose that I never thought it would in allowing me to focus on sharing my story, my healing, wisdom, love and light to the world. Now, as your practitioner, I hope to bring you a sense of peace, support your reproductive health and help you build a healthy, mindful relationship with the only amazing body that you have in your lifetime.

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